Resources and Links


This page contains links to various websites that might be of use or interest. Clicking on a link will open the site in a new tab or window.

If you know of a site that might be of interest to other members, please email to let us know.

Royal Horticultural Society
The society is a member of the RHS

Barnet Allotment Federation
Federation of all of the allotment societies in Barnet. Includes information about events at other Barnet allotments.

Henry Doubleday Research Association
Leading authority in organic gardening techniques and practice. The website is full of useful tips on how to run an allotment organically.

Gardeners Chat-Shed Forum
Where gardeners can chat and exchange ideas on any aspect of gardening

Seeds of Italy
Franchi – Italian seeds

All About Allotments
From this single location you will be able to access hundreds of websites offering information about allotments, allotment associations, grow your own, fruit, vegetables & flowers

Childs Hills Allotments Cultivation Guide – download it here.